Roll of Honour
By resolution of the Board of Trustees, the persons and public and private boards who contribute to the pursue of the statutory obligations of the Stava 1985 Foundation by means of financial resources, cultural or professional merits, are enrolled in the Foundation’s Roll of Honour of the Honorary Members.
All those who have acquired particular merits in supporting the Foundation activities thanks to their free professional commitment or with a financial contribution of at least € 3,000, are appointed Honorary Members of the Stava 1985 Foundation.
All those who finance the Foundation’s activities with contributions of at least € 500 are appointed Supporting Members of the Stava 1985 Foundation.
Professor Giovanni Tosatti
Former professor of engineering geology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and scientific advisor of the Foundation in the field of geoengineering. Giovanni Tosatti was consultant for the civil parties in the criminal proceedings for the Stava valley catastrophe, together with Professors Maurizio Pellegrini, Richard J. Chandler, Robert E. Gibson and Engineer Arnaldo Davià. He has published several articles on the causes of the tailings dam failure of the Prestavèl mine. On behalf of the Foundation, he has held numerous conferences in Italy and abroad on the causes and responsibilities of the Stava valley disaster and edited the volume “Review of the scientific contributions on the Stava valley disaster” (Publication no. 2807 of the Italian National Research Council, ISBN 88-371-01405-2).
Professor Andrea Mary Lord
Former professor of English at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Together with her husband Giovanni Tosatti, Andrea Mary Lord has overseen the translation and editing of the English texts for the Foundation publications and the “” website.
Engineer Maurizio Boaretto
Mine engineer Maurizio Boaretto is the holder of the study “B.C. Ingegneria Co.Tec.” of Cagliari (Sardinia). He was former technical manager of the Silius fluorite mine in the province of Cagliari and is scientific advisor of the Foundation in the field of mine engineering. Among other things, Maurizio Boaretto carried out several surveys in the ex-fluorite mine of Prestavèl and drew the preliminary project for the reclamation and securing of the mine tunnels located at the end of the Stava 1985 trail. This was done with the purpose of completing the educational tour of the Remembrance Footpath, with information concerning the history, the tools and exploitation techniques carried out in the Prestavèl mine.
Professor Lucia Simeoni
Professor in Geotechnics at the University of Trento and scientific advisor of the Foundation in the area of Geotechnical Engineering. Among other things, Lucia Simeoni oversaw the organization and scientific secretariat of the “Master SiGeo” course in “Analysis and Management of Geotechnical Systems”. The Stava 1985 Foundation promoted this master’s course in the 2007/2008 academic year. It was jointly organized by the University of Trento, the Polytechnic of Turin and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with the collaboration of SDA Bocconi School of Management-Bocconi University of Milan and the patronage of the Department of Civil Protection of the Prime Minister’s Office. For the 30th anniversary of the catastrophe, Lucia Simeoni oversaw the scientific secretariat for continuing education events.
Dr. Luca Zorzi
Luca Zorzi is a geologist and senior consultant in structural geology. He lives in Vancouver, Canada, where he works for an engineering company dealing with planning of tailings dams. Originally from Tesero, Luca Zorzi wanted to contribute to keeping alive the memory of the Stava disaster by participating with enthusiasm in the setting up of the permanent photographic exhibition on “Memory and Rebirth”, which was displayed on the terrace atop the Stava 1985 Information Centre on the 25th anniversary of the catastrophe. He is scientific advisor of the Foundation in the field of geoengineering and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge on the failure of the Stava tailings dams among colleagues, professionals and university students in Canada and the United States; that is among those who have or will have responsibilities in the construction and management of mine waste disposal facilities.
OGP Advertising Agency (Trento)
OGP Advertising Agency offers free consulting and assistance to the Foundation in the field of communication and graphics.
Juniper Extensible Solutions (Cavalese)
The Juniper Extensible Solutions Company offers free consulting and assistance to the Foundation in the management of the “Stava 1985” website.
Dr. Iosella Zorzi (Ziano di Fiemme)
Business consultant Iosella Zorzi offers free consulting and assistance to the Foundation for what concerns fiscal matters and book-keeping.
Autonomous Province of Trento
Regione Lombardia
Regione Emilia Romagna
Regione Piemonte
Province of Milan
Province of Bergamo
Province of Reggio Emilia
Province of Mantua
Municipality of Trento
Municipality of Bolzano
Municipality of Milan
Municipality of Cesano Maderno (Monza e Brianza)
Municipality of Inveruno (Milan)
Municipality of Merano (Bolzano)
Municipality of Montagne (Trento)
Municipality of Preore (Trento)
Municipality of Zuclo (Trento)
Municipality of Castellarano (Reggio Emilia)
Municipality of Samassi (Medio Campidano)
Cassa Rurale Val di Fiemme (Tesero – Predazzo)
Federazione Trentina delle Cooperative (Trento)
Seta Società Editrice Tipografica Trentina (Bolzano)
Casa editrice Curcu&Genovese (Trento)
L’Adige (Trento)
Tipografia La Commerciale Borgogno (Bolzano)
BIM Consorzio dei Comuni dell’Adige (Trento)
Associazione ACLI Milanesi (Milan)
ITAP S.p.A. – Tesero
Cassa Centrale delle Casse Rurali del Trentino – Trento
Mediocredito Trentino Alto/Adige Investitionsbank Trentino/Südtirol – Trento
Federazione dei Corpi dei Vigili del Fuoco Volontari del Trentino – Trento
On. Avv. Giuseppe Detomas (Pozza di Fassa)
Mr. Romano Pojer (Tesero)
MISCONEL s.r.l. (Cavalese)
Coordinamento Teatrale Trentino – Trento
Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Municipality of Cassano d’Adda (Milan)
Cassa Rurale di Rovereto (Trento)
Sen. Renzo Gubert (Trento)
Mr. Tarcisio Gilmozzi (Tesero)
Dr. Luigi Dante (Rom)
Sig. Francesco Cherubini (Rom)
Dr. Michele Zadra (Cavalese)